If you are number 5000, take a screen shot and email it to me for a special doll.
31 May 2006
Happy Birthday to Quacked Duckie!
It's a bit late, but we've recently turned two. Hopefully it's not the 'terrible twos' ^_~ We'll be good. Promise! Not sure if that means I'll update in a more timely fashion, but hey... I'll try.
Jade of Shadow Pixels was the winner of the visitor 2500. I'll have her gift soon... when I find my muse... *looks around for her*
At this point... all I have is a new layout. I did have a doll update also, but I have since got it in my head that I am going to completely reorganise my site. That being said... don't be surprised if this layout doesn't last very long. So.. enjoy it while you can!
And a bit of a warning... since I don't want to actually go on a hiatus... Quacked Duckie is now officially a hard hat zone. (ie... beware the dead links)
13 November 2005
Haven't put any new dolls up yet... but I have a new layout!! I may still update with some dolls also in a bit, but wanted to get the new layout up. Yes, I know it's a little early for winter, but I'm sure it's snowing somewhere, even if it never does here! Many many thanks need to go to my friend, Ken. He made the adorable trees you see in the background for me since my trees always look like brown blobs. They added just the right touch! *sends him hugs*
I also need to send many thanks to my sister, Rachel. My snitchybug was the inspiration for this layout. *points to her sister page* Scroll down and you'll see an adorable doll with a frozen duck she gave to me. ^_^ *snuggles her*
Also, I have an announcement to make! One that is rather delayed too at that... My Squirt has finally seen the beauty of dolling... so... dun dun dun... I asked her to be my sister! And! She said yes! :D *bounces*
21 August 2005
This is for Gary...
Garrett's Mathmaticalish Update
6 new pages (Links, Graphics, and Dolls)
Several dolls on the adoptable page
A few gifts updated from siblings
Well, that's as mathematicalish as I can get for Gary ;) Everyone's favorite Duck has been coding for the last few hours and she is too sleepy to figuire out exact amounts of things she has updated. I put up my adult dolls. And no, they aren't that risque.. but if you aren't 18, please do not visit. Those who are... enjoy! I also put up a blend page and an Avatar page. Plus, I put up some gifts from Justin that should have been up a long time ago. I'm sure I'm forgetting something as I have 18 pages I am uploading... 19 if you include this one. So, forgive the sleepy duck and take a gander around. *curls up and sleeps*
07 August 2005
Look! New Layout!! My wonderful sister, Stel, gave me a purty new layout. *grins and huggles her to pieces* Other than that there are quite a few dolls scattered here and there. I also put up Jenn's page finally. So, now all my lovely siblings have a purty page now. The Links page that was added to the layout is dead, so don't click it yet... lol Still got two down pages on the graphics page as well. Other than that.. enjoy!
11 July 2005
What's this? Can it be? Another update? Well.. been coding and uploading a few things the last few days. Couple things here and there. Figuire I should let you guys know what I've been doing. I now have one sister page that is a broken link. *dances* I changed the way my sibling page looks. There's now the giftee I made them on it. No adoption unless you are one of my siblings.
I also changed the other graphics page a bit. There are some broken links there, so please ignore them. It's still under construction, but you can go check it out. The props and paintings page works. Nothing else yet.
Finally, I put a couple Alex dolls up on the VH pages and added a page for Creylen finally. I hadn't noticed til tonight when I put a couple couple dolls of them up on Alex's page... then went to put them on his.. and he didn't have one. Bad Susan.
That's about it. Othet than my usual "I'm still accepting entries." ;)
07 July 2005
*curls up and sleeps* No new dolls up... but.. I did finally get some sibling pages up and added up new sibling gifts on Roh's. Took me long enough, eh? Still have Krystal's to do and add up some more gifts. *is spoiled*
Now, on to some news that is a long tie coming in being announced... Jenn of Sunburnt Magic is my newest sibling! *cuddles her* She's one of the first few people I started talking to on VH and is one of the people responsible for me subjecting you to my dolling. Surprised doesn't begin to describe me when she linked me to her dollie. Check out my gifts page for now for gifts from her until I get her page up. :)
Also, I'm still accepting entries for the "Capture that Muse" contest. Still spots open! hint hint *nudge nudge* ;)
28 May 2005
Only a quick update as there are forces pulling me away from the compy... but... awards are up! And a new contest! Yay! You'll also notice a "Vote for me" button added to the bottom. My host is having a contest for the site that gets the most hits through that link starting June 1st. So, be sure to vote for me! I'm not sure if it's for sites hosted by others, but that link will also give you a means to sign up if you want to enter your site in it.
I also have a couple other wonderful announcements! I have three new siblings! I have been a major slacker in annnouncing them... *ducks and hides* They still need special pages on my sibling page, but here's the giftee exchange ^^
First... Jenn of Rory's Dolls
Then... Rachel aka Kyranae or to me, Snitchybug ^^
Base url to come since Snichtybug doesn't have a site... yet. ;)
Then... Sara of Brennakin's Dolls
*squeals* So...no update for my dolls... my contest is still out for voting, so, no, I haven't forgotten about it... I got number 1000! So, I will have a doll for Rachel very soon. :) And the big news and real reason I am doing a little update... Krystal [Krystela (Stel)] asked me to be her Sister tonight! *bounces around* Imagine my shock when Stel linked me to a thread in VH's off topic board with this....
How could I say no?! *huggles Stel*
base by Mawled N'Dolled
Quacked Duckie v 3.1 Beach Duckie is up and running! :) Two days before Quacked Duckie's 1 year birthday in its own domain home. Perfect timing for a new look. :)
Good Morning, Campers!
Okay, so I've watched one too many episodes of Stargate SG-1 in the last few days... *huggles her new boxed set* Anyways.. the point... I've updated! Still not done, of course... Something tells me it's one of those things where I will never be fully done.
So, what I got done... I revamped the VH dolls section, added a bunch of dolls there, finally got up some of the gift graphics to do with VH, both given and received (no where near done), added my two new (icky) bases, and , of course added a page for Jess/Rohtia. Must have my little shrine to my new sister. ^_~
Welps... that's about it! Time for bed for this duck!
*dances and bounces around* I have a new Sis!!!! She just asked me tonight. Tis one of my friends from VH. We've played quidditch together for about a year (*thinks*) and been in the same house for almost two (since we came on the site). I'm trying to be good and get my OWLs done, so not much time to actually do a real update to anything other than sharing my news!
So... look for a page dedicated to her soon and of course an update. :)
In other news... my contest is now out for voting. So, no more entries please. Good luck to those who entered! They were all awesome!
And now.... the doll Jess/Rohtia made me ^_^ Be sure to check out her site found here! She asked me by a web page showing me the doll of Alex she made and then it went through a series of links. Just when I was wondering if the links ended, the doll asking me to be her sister was there. ^_^ It's even more awesome, cause I was planning on asking her. She beat me to it! *dances*
And.. my response doll ^^
base by Erica. Though, she no longer has any doll stuff on her site, so, its unavailable.
All right, I know I about killed ya what with updating 13 days later the last update I did. Prepare to sit down, I updated again! *waits for people to pick themselves back off the floor*
Now that you have all woken up from passing out... Now to tell you about my update! I now have something (though, it's not much) on Quacked Duckie's index page. Click the bathtub to see the horridly simple coding. Call it a placeholder so my sites I have on my domain are easy to get to. I included my hostees whose site's are up (Okay, only one is up) and the sites I have helped either code or made graphics on.
Next, I have started a contest! Click the link below or you may get to it through the Dolls page. *thinks she may need to update her layout soon*
Still haven't added any dolls to my page... and yes, I still need to. *eyes the finished dolls not up yet* In other news, I have joined a new RPG site. VH is still my passion and priority, but this one seems like it will be fun and something for my muse to do when it is in the mood to write, but not in the mood for Harry Potter. Be sure to check it out! It is ran by my wonderful bro, Justin. :) *loves the avvy he made me for it* *cuddles her bro*
What's this? Another update not 3 months later? I think I fixed the behind the scenes things like the missing backgrounds. We'll see. lol I also finally got rid of the "coming soon" in the about me section. It's not much, but maybe I'll add one of those survey things in or something. No new dolls added this time. Next time! ^_^
Free Ipod <~~ subtle reminder. ;)
Excuse the dust while I move things around and change a few things to be more efficient. ^_^ Oh yes... and of course add a bunch of dolls. There are a bunch added in the unadoptables section under the gifts to others page.
I also made my journal friends only a couple weeks ago. If you know me from VH or somewhere else, comment on the Friend's only post, I can't gurantee I will add ya, but there's a good chance. Pretty much as long as we're friends. :) Note: This is only for my RL journal. My IC one is still open.
Free Ipod <~~ reminder. ;)
Happy New year! well.. a bit late. No real update at all this time, but soon I promise. Been too busy trying to get the VH yearbook layout done to work on my own site. But... lots of new things to come soon!
Until then... here's a nifty little link thingy. It's something I got from a friend and I went ahead and signed up for it. I'm now going to order DVDs online with Columbia House, but there are a bunch of other things offered as well. Seems to be legit. So... check it out. If you know 5 people who will sign up after you, they send ya an ipod. So, it seems to be a nice little deal.
And until my actual update... here's my latest doll. :)
base by ILCK
10/29/2004... well... 10/30/2004 now
Okay... so... I changed my mind. Added up a small page for Justin... nothing big yet as I am falling asleep at my comp as I was typing it... so forgive any tyops. I also added up my few props onto the other graphics section as well as adding a few I've been meaning to add for awhile to me adoptable page.
Don't forget to tag me and let me know what you think! :)
Hey hey! Nothing major for site additions... just added a hit counter... and soem wonderful news... I have a new sibling! :) Once things setlle down a bit, I'll be adding a special page for him... but for now... *huggles Justin*
Quacked Duckie v2.1 is up and pretty much running. Hopefully there aren't really any down links... *hopes* No new dolls, but a shiny new layout!
Duckie background wallpaper base by Crazie Cathie Many thanks to her for making it!
Added all my VH dolls I've been making recently to my unadoptable page and also added my new base. Still down links, so excuse the dust. ;)
Just finished moving everything over to my brand spanking new home, quackedduckie.net! I have my own domain now! *dances* Now that I am finished switching my file names over and what not, I can now begin to finsh those pages that are down still... >.< Must finish those, finally... lol
I didn't update much today. Just changed around the way my opening window looked. Made it have frame so the tagboard could be stationary. Still have the same three dead links. I really need to finish those one of these days...
I do have good news to share, but I think it shall wait until I update the page that has to do with the news. *nods*
Welcome to my ickle corner. Take a look around, I am slowly putting up my graphics in my new layout form... yay! So, for now... if you get a broken link... don't worry about letting me know... chances are real good I just haven't done anything with it yet. Thanks!