Take me Home

Above ones by me.

Thank you, Justin

Well, time to insert your standard rules disclaimer:

1. If you use one of my bases, adopt a doll, or use one of my graphics, please link via text or link button to http://www.quackedduckie.net/dolls on the same page as the doll.

2. Do not frankendoll.

3. Do not directlink unless you have my explicit permission.

4. Do not edit my bases, with the exception of shading, without my permission. Email me with what you wish to do for the permission.

5. Email me if you have any questions or if you use my base so I may see what you came up with. I love to see other people's work!

If you agree to those simple rules, feel free to click on the links below to see my work.

.:Adoptable:.: Unadoptable:.: Bases:.: Moonlight Garden:.: "Adult":.