
A letter from the editor...

I thank you for viewing this edition of the VH Yearbook 2007-2008. We worked very hard on it for a long time, so I appreciate it. I am mostly speaking for the rest of the 'photography' crew here, so...

While we would have liked to please every one of you, please note that there was close to 175 to do, and only so many of us. I know some of the earlier ones I did (note that we started this in the summer of 2004, then paused, then started afresh in August 2004) are terrible and I apologize. We are all dollers improving over time. We did our best.

If you have any troubles or problems with viewing the yearbook, please contact us by the e-mail address on the home page.

Lastly, many kudos to Alexandria Davis, who did most of the coding and whatnots. I would've never been able to do it without you. =)

the person behind Sabrina Esperanza


A letter from the layout editor...

I just want to thank everyone involved for their patience and understanding while we worked so hard on this project. Especially with the coding of it. With as much coding as there was, I never could have had it done even now without the help from a few wonderful people. Justin Fitzpatrick, Aurora Braelin, and Sabrina Esperanza were wonderful and helped me code the profiles and the portraits. I owe them a lot of thanks.

I'd also like to thank Edgar Eclipse for giving us the opportunity to finish this project and his belief in us that we could undertake it. We definitely learned a few things. Made mistakes... Made triumphs... Made threats against programs when they stopped working... *cough*

Next year, the yearbook will be working quite differently as we learned from how this one was done. More than likely, there will not be one for VH year 6 as we just finished this one and the year is almost over. So, we look forward to the next year and hope it will be as good as we think this one is.

And... for those interested... I used Adobe Photoshop 7 for the layout and the font is Lumos. ^^


The person behind Alexandria Davis


All questions regardng the yearbook can be directed to: or via PM on Virtual Hogwarts to Sabrina Esperanza or Alexandria Davis.

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